Vaginal dryness - Vitality Health Center

What is vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness is a common condition that affects many women, especially during and after menopause. It occurs when the tissues of the vagina and the vulva become thinner, less elastic, and more fragile due to lower levels of estrogen. This can lead to irritation, itching, burning, pain during sex, and increased risk of infection.

Some key facts about vaginal dryness:

The vaginal lining responds to the hormone estrogen, which maintains thickness, elasticity, and lubrication. With menopause, estrogen levels drop significantly, causing the tissues to literally dry out and atrophy. The vaginal pH also changes, making it more prone to infections.

Here are some tips for relieving vaginal dryness:

See your healthcare provider if symptoms persist. They may prescribe topical estrogen in creams, tablets, or rings that are very effective and safe for most women. Localized estrogen avoids the risks of systemic hormone therapy.

At Vitality Health Center, our experienced physicians provide comprehensive treatment for vaginal health issues related to menopause or other causes. Contact us today to discuss relief options! Our personalized care plans help women reclaim comfort and intimacy.

I hope this overview on vaginal dryness was helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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