Unexplained loss of muscle mass - Vitality Health Center

Unexplained loss of muscle mass, also known as cachexia, is a condition characterized by significant wasting of body mass that cannot be reversed nutritionally. It is often associated with underlying illness and leads to progressive muscle loss and weakness. Potential causes include:

How can unexplained muscle wasting be evaluated? Diagnostic tests aim to identify any underlying disease while assessing nutritional status. A workup may include: Treatment focuses on addressing any underlying illness while providing optimal nutrition and testosterone replacement if indicated. Exercise programs, like aerobic and resistance training tailored to individual ability, help rebuild muscle mass. Consult doctors like endocrinologists to manage hormone imbalances contributing to loss of muscle. In certain illnesses, investigational anabolic agents and anti-inflammatory drugs may help counteract cachexia. Though cachexia can be concerning, an experienced physician can determine its cause and initiate appropriate treatment. Don't ignore new muscle wasting - schedule an evaluation at * to start regaining strength as soon as possible. Our compassionate providers partner with each patient for expert care. Call us today to begin your muscle recovery plan.

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