Night sweats - Vitality Health Center

Night sweats are a common symptom that can have many different causes. They are characterized by excessive sweating and perspiration during sleep, to the point where sleep is disturbed and bedding and sleepwear become soaked with sweat. Some potential causes of night sweats include:

If night sweats occur frequently and disrupt sleep, it's important to see a doctor to determine the underlying cause. Diagnostic tests may include blood tests, imaging scans, biopsies or others depending on the suspected cause. Treatment depends on the cause but may include: Lifestyle changes like sleeping in cooler rooms, using moisture-wicking sheets, wearing breathable pajamas, avoiding spicy foods and alcohol before bed can also help reduce night sweat frequency for some people. At Vitality Health Center, our experts can provide cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment options for night sweats. We offer comprehensive hormone panels and replacement therapies to address menopausal night sweats. Our holistic approach also incorporates lifestyle changes, nutrition plans, stress management and other techniques to reduce night sweats and their impact on sleep quality. Contact us today to take control of your night sweats and sleep better!

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