Decreased libido - Vitality Health Center

What is decreased libido?

Decreased libido, or low sex drive, is when someone experiences a lower interest in sexual activity than is normal for them. There are many potential causes for reduced libido, including:

If you're struggling with decreased libido, don't lose hope! Here are some tips that may help:

The experienced physicians at Vitality Health Center can also provide comprehensive testing and personalized treatment plans to help restore libido and improve sexual health. With expertise in hormonal balance, sexual medicine, and holistic care, our caring providers partner with you to find the right solutions.

In summary, decreased libido is complex but treatable. Don't be embarrassed to seek help - low libido is more common than you think. With some lifestyle adjustments, communication, and potentially medical treatment, most people can regain satisfying sexual functioning and intimacy. Prioritize your sexual health today!

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