Cognitive decline - Vitality Health Center

Cognitive decline is a normal part of aging, but it can also be caused by medical conditions like Alzheimer's disease. As we get older, changes in the brain can lead to issues with memory, language, thinking, and judgment. Mild cognitive decline is common, but more severe issues can impact daily life. There are a few key things that happen in the brain as we age:

These physical brain changes result in common symptoms like: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a condition where people have more significant decline than normal aging but can still function independently. Around 15-20% of adults over 65 have MCI. With MCI, daily life is impacted but not drastically disrupted. It can be a transitional stage before dementia. If you're concerned about cognitive decline, there are steps you can take! Leading a mentally and physically active lifestyle can build cognitive reserve. You can also talk to your doctor about medications that support brain health, like Vitality Health Center prescription hormone therapy. Vitality Health Center offers personalized hormone replacement therapy to help both men and women optimize hormone levels. Balanced hormones enhance overall health and can even improve brain function. Vitality Health Center' expert physicians customize treatment plans with bioidentical hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. Their holistic approach addresses hormone decline that can start in your 30s and 40s. Don't just dismiss cognitive issues as "old age" - visit to learn more! With proactive steps, healthy habits, and advanced care when needed, the impacts of cognitive decline can be reduced. Aging brains still have plasticity. Focus on staying engaged socially and intellectually. Seek treatment for medical issues that affect the brain. And consider hormone therapy to support optimal cognitive function. With vigilance and care for your brain health, you can keep your mind sharper for longer!

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