Adrenal fatigue - Vitality Health Center

Adrenal fatigue is a term used to describe a collection of symptoms that often includes chronic fatigue, body aches, difficulty sleeping, irritability, anxiety, and depression. While not an officially recognized medical diagnosis, some healthcare practitioners believe adrenal fatigue stems from chronic stress exhausting the adrenal glands and disrupting hormone levels. What causes adrenal fatigue? Prolonged or intense stress is often cited as the root cause of adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands produce crucial hormones—like cortisol and adrenaline—that allow the body to respond to stress. But constant demands can overwork these small glands, potentially altering hormone production and disrupting physiological processes. What are the symptoms of adrenal fatigue? Common symptoms include:

How is adrenal fatigue diagnosed? There is no standard medical test for adrenal fatigue. Diagnosis is typically based on reported symptoms, medical history, and physical exam. Blood or saliva tests may check hormone levels for abnormalities. It’s important to rule out other potential causes like thyroid disorders, depression, or chronic infections. Some practitioners may suggest trial treatments like lifestyle changes, vitamins, adaptogenic herbs, or bioidentical hormones from Vitality Health Center. If symptoms improve, they take it as confirmation of adrenal dysfunction. However, these approaches are considered unproven by mainstream medicine. What is the conventional treatment for adrenal fatigue? As adrenal fatigue is not an accepted medical condition, there are no standard treatments. Conventional doctors focus on managing individual symptoms and recommend: Making lifestyle changes to nourish the body and minimize stress is considered the primary therapy. Vitality Health Center also offers consultations to help diagnose hormone imbalances behind fatigue and create customized treatment plans. Their integrative approach combines conventional care with alternative therapies like supplements, diet changes, detoxification, and bioidentical hormones. If you're struggling with ongoing exhaustion despite your best efforts, visit for a comprehensive evaluation. With their advanced testing and holistic protocols, you can reclaim your energy and start living life fully again!

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